Selasa, 12 Juni 2012


Dunia Fantasi atau disebut juga Dufan (juga disebut "Do Fun") yang diresmikan pada 29 Agustus 1985 adalah tempat hiburan yang terletak di kompleks Taman Impian Jaya Ancol (Ancol taman impian), Jakarta Utara, Indonesia.
Dunia Fantasi mempunyai maskot berupa kera bekantan yang diberi nama Dufan (singkatan dari Dunia Fantasi). Dipilih kera sebagai karakter adalah untuk mengingatkan bahwa Ancol dahulu adalah kawasan kera. Pemilihan kera bekantan adalah semata-mata untuk mengenalkan jenis satwa langka yang kini dilindungi. Bentuk karikatural kera bekantan ini divisualisasikan oleh Matari Advertising yang ikut serta dalam program komunikasi awal Dunia Fantasi.

Kawasan yang ada di Dufan

Dunia Fantasi dibagi dalam beberapa kawasan dengan tema tersendiri dan ciri khas wilayah masing-masing. Pembagian kawasan ini ditujukan untuk membangkitkan imajinasi pengunjung yang diharapkan merasakan sensasi berjalan-jalan pada daerah Jakarta zaman dahulu, Eropa, Amerika, Indonesia,Asia, Fantasi Yunani, Fantasi Hikayat, Balara, dan Istabon.
Selain atraksi permainan, kawasan ini juga memiliki sejumlah restoran dan toko-toko suvenir. Luas Dunia Fantasi mencapai 9,5 hektar dari rencana pembangunan 552 hektar kawasan hiburan terpadu Taman Impian Jaya Ancol.

Kawasan Jakarta

§  Turangga Rangga
Merupakan ciri khas taman permainan di Kawasan Jakarta. Permainan ini berupa sebuah komidi putar.

Kawasan Kalila

§  Kalila Adventure (Wahana baru dunia fantasi)
Wahana ini diluncurkan pada 18 Juni 2011 untuk menyambut musim liburan sekolah. Kalila Adventure disebut-sebut sebagai pentas animatronik terlengkap pertama di dunia. Karena menggabungkan empat unsur teknologi yaitu film, animatronik, musical show, dan special effect. Kalila Adventure menampilkan karakter-karakter lucu binatang-binatang Indonesia. Beberapa karakter memang ikon dari Dufan. Mereka bersama-sama tinggal di hutan dan bekerja sama menghadapi bencana gunung merapi. Pentas ini penuh dengan berbagai lagu anak-anak karena itu pentas tersebut pantas disebut sebagai drama musikal. Hanya saja yang bernyanyi adalah robot-robot karakter.
§  Ubangga
§  Safari Game

Kawasan Indonesia

§  Alap-Alap
§  Tornado
Wahana ini beroperasi sejak 10 Juni 2007 dan diresmikan oleh Gubernur Jakarta Sutiyoso dan merupakan wahana paling menegangkan dari semua arena di Dufan. Wahana ini juga sangat memacu adrenalin karena cara pengoperasiannya, yaitu saat mulai kita langsung naik keatas lalu kita dijungkir balikkan. Begitu juga saat kita diturunkan juga dijungkir balikkan. Wahana ini paling banyak diminati oleh masyarakat luas; selain memacu adrenalin wahana ini juga menyenangkan.

Kawasan Eropa

§  Beng Beng
§  Kicir Kicir
Sebuah kincir raksasa yang akan memutar penumpang ke segala arah. Wahana dengan nama lain Power Surge ini didatangkan dari Zamperia Italia pada tahun 2002.
§  Hysteria
Hysteria berupa menara setinggi 56 meter. Di wahana ini, pengunjung dapat merasakan desiran adrenalin saat ditembakkan ke atas dengan kecepatan mencapai 4G dan kemudian dijatuhkan dengan kapasitas minus 1G. Satu menara memiliki kapasitas 12 tempat duduk. Ancol berencana akan membuat dua menara di kawasan ini.
§  Panggung Maksima

Panggung maksima adalah panggung dimana biasanya para musisi, koreografer serta dramawan terkenal di negeri ini mementaskan karyanya. Artis yang pernah mementaskan karyanya disini antara lain adalah Guruh Soekarno Putra, N. Riantiarno dan Harry Rusli. Biasanya setiap hari Dabtu sering diadakan acara Dufan Show yang kurang lebih mementaskan 300 artis studio fantasi. Beberapa acara yg pernah di adakan di panggung maksima yaitu operet Sleeping Beauty, Putri Salju, Dufan Incredible Extravaganza, Bon Aniversaire Dunia Fantasi, Zabogar, Junggle Night Fantasy, Jesus Christ Superstars, Dufan Super Stars Show, Opera Rama Shinta - Legenda Masa Depan, Opera Mahabratha, Opera Fantasia, Dufan dan Dufi di unia mimpi, Dufan Show ulang tahun ke 18, Dufan Show lebaran, Dufan Show Natal, Dufan Show Sampek Engtay, Dufan Show Perang Bintang, Colour Guard Show dan Percusion Attraction.

Kawasan Fantasi Hikayat

§  Burung Tempur
§  Perang Bintang
Wahana ini dibangun dengan latar lingkungan masa depan. Pengunjung dipersiapkan seakan-akan sedang mengarungi angkasa luar dengan menaiki kendaraan semacam piring terbang yang dilengkapi dengan persenjataan laser.
§  Hikayat Game
§  Rajawali
§  Hall Rama Shita Legenda Masa Depan

Kawasan Fantasi Yunani

Kawasan ini merupakan daya tarik utama dari seluruh wilayah dufan. Disinilah lokasi permainan yang paling mendebarkan yang mengutamakan kecepatan, naik turun, menikung tajam, berputar di kumpulkan menjadi satu.
§  Halilintar
Halilintar beroperasi sejak tahun 1987. Dalam satu rangkaian kereta terdapat 6 gerbong, dimana dalam satu gerbong memuat dua baris dan dua kolom tempat duduk. Total kapasitas dalam satu rangkaian kereta adalah 24 penumpang.
§  Ombang Ambing
§  Ontang Anting
§  Pontang Pontang
§  Arung Jeram
§  Teater Simulator
Film yang pernah ditayangkan antara lain Turbo Tour atau Robocop (1992), Dinosaurus (1997), Wing’s Discovery (2000), Star Warrior (2004), Meteor Attack (2006), Extreme Log (2008), Journey to the Center of the Earth (2010) dan Happy Feet (2012).
§  Historical Dunia Fantasi
§  Pentas Prestasi

Kawasan Amerika

§  Lorong Sesat
Lorong Sesat, terdiri dari lorong berdinding kaca sepanjang lebih dari 90 meter, memberi refleksi tak terbatas sehingga terasa seakan tak ada dimensi ruang
§  Niagara
Kereta luncur Niagara gara, yaitu perahu berbentuk balok kayu yang meluncur bertualang mengikuti arus air. Kemudian, pada klimaksnya, naik setinggi 30 meter dan terjun seolah-olah mencebur mengikuti air terjun sungai-sungai di Amerika.
§  Poci Poci
§  Rango Rango
Di rumah miring Rango Rango, bangunan rumah kayu bergaya country, pengunjung akan menikmati pengalaman aneh, seolah-olah kehilangan orientasi gravitasi.
§  Tembak Jitu
Arena Tembak Jitu akan membawa pengunjung ke alam Wild West, di mana ketangkasan menembak akan diuji dengan sasaran tembak 100 boneka animatronik.

Kawasan Istana

§  Istana Boneka
Istana ini dirancang dengan nuansa gabungan 10 gaya bangunan arsitektur Indonesia, yang distilir hingga menjadi sebuah bangunan baru, dan berwarna-warni sehingga memberi kesan semarak dan unik. Di dalamnya, sambil berperahu, pegunjung diajak menjelajahi dan merasakan beragam budaya etnis seluruh nusantara maupun berbagai bangsa, diiringi lagu rakyat setempat yang mengesankan. Ada sekitar 600 boneka animatronik. Wahana ini merupakan bangunan tertutup yang dilengkapi dengan penyejuk ruangan.

Kawasan Asia

§  Baku Toki
§  Bianglala
Wahana ini merupakan wahan dengan kincir setinggi 33 meter. Wahana ini adalah salah satu bangunan tertinggi di Dunia Fantasi. Bila kita berada di bagian atas kincir, kita akan dapat melihat cakrawala laut serta bangunan-bangunan seisi Dunia Fantasi. Bianglala dibangun dengan arsitektur dan ornamen bernuansa warna khas Thailand.
§  Gajah Bledug
§  Kora Kora
Wahana ini berbentuk kapal besar yang berayun hampir 90 derajat. Sensasi yang diberikan pada wahana ini adalah kegerian pada saat berada dipuncak ketinggian dan pada saat berayun turun.

Ex Wahana

§  Puri Misteri/Bima and the Dragon
§  Rama Shita Legenda masa depan
§  Yunior Bogati
§  Balon Race
§  Undur undur
§  Kunang kunang
§  Panggung Jakarta
§  Annimatronic Theater of Science/Teater sang Pelopor
§  Red Baroon
§  Balada Kera


§  Telepon Umum
§  Toilet
§  Acara khusus
§  Kursi Roda
§  Parade
§  Mushola
§  Fasttrack
§  Club Dufan & Lounge

Parade Dunia Fantasi

Euforia dunia fantasi hidup dalam parade mingguan yang mengikutkan lebih dari 200 profesional seniman, penari dan musisi semua dalam kostum menarik dan spektakuler. Parade ini biasanya dihadirkan setiap hari minggu atau libur nasional.
Beberapa parade yang pernah ditampilkan:
§  Parade Akbar Dunia fantasi (1985 - 1987)
§  Parade Dufan show (1987 - 1989)
§  Parade Dufan (1989 - 1990)
§  Parade Ultah Dufan ke 5 (1990 - 1994)
§  Parade Rama Shinta (1994 - 1998)
§  Parade Keliling Dunia fantasi (1998 - 2004)
§  Parade Perang Bintang (2004 - 2007)
§  Dufan around the world parade (2007 - 2008)
§  Dufan fantasy parade (2008 - 2009)
§  Dufan entertaiment spirit parade (2009 - 2010)
§  The Fun parade (2010 - Present)

Parade Listrik Dunia Fantasi

Berbagai bentuk binatang eksotis yang sangat besar datang untuk dihidupkan dengan kekuatan lampu kelap kelip, memberikan tampilan yang spektakuler untuk pertunjukan malam untuk seluruh keluarga. Paradelistrik hadir setiap hari sabtu malam minggu.
Beberapa parade yang pernah ditampilkan:
§  Parade Elektrik Dufan :(1985 - 1995)
§  Dufan electrical parade : (1995 - 2004)
§  Glow in the Dark parade : (2006 - 2007)
§  Dufan imagination night parade : (2007 - 2009)
§  Rama shita a legend of the future electric parade (2009 - berakhir pada 2010)

Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

FIFA Ballon d’Or 2011 awards

The contenders for this year’s FIFA Ballon d’Or Award for the best player of 2011 and for the FIFA Women’s World Player of the Year 2011 award were announced today at a press conference held at the headquarters of France Football magazine in Paris in which FIFA Secretary General Jérôme Valcke, France Football CEO François Morinière, former French player Emmanuel Petit and Gaëtane Thiney, French international football player, took part.

In alphabetical order, the male nominees are: Cristiano Ronaldo (Portugal), Lionel Messi (Argentina) and Xavi (Spain), while Marta (Brazil), Homare Sawa (Japan) andAbby Wambach (USA) will contest the women’s award.

The candidates for the FIFA World Coach of the Year for Men’s Football and FIFA World Coach of the Year for Women’s Football awards were also announced. In alphabetical order, the contenders are the following:

Alex Ferguson (Scotland), Josep Guardiola (Spain) and José Mourinho (Portugal) for the FIFA World Coach of the Year for Men’s Football award and Bruno Bini (France), Norio Sasaki (Japan) and Pia Sundhage (Sweden) for the FIFA World Coach of the Year for Women’s Football award.

All these nominees were confirmed after a poll in which the captains and head coaches of the men’s and women’s national teams as well as international media representatives selected by France Football voted for candidates.

Last but not least, the three nominees for the FIFA Puskás award for the “most beautiful goal of the year” were announced. These are: Lionel Messi (Argentina), Neymar (Brazil) and Wayne Rooney (England).

All the awards will be presented at the FIFA Ballon d’Or, which will be held at the Kongresshaus in Zurich, FIFA’s home city, on 9 January 2012.

The gala, formerly known as the “FIFA World Player of the Year Gala”, has been in existence since 1991. Last year it underwent a significant change when it merged with France Football’s Ballon d’Or award to form the new “FIFA Ballon d’Or”.

In addition to the awards given to the best male and the best female player, the best coaches as well as to the scorer of the best goal, three more honours will be revealed: the FIFA/FIFPro World XI, the FIFA Presidential Award and the FIFA Fair Play Award.

And the winner for the best player is Lionel Messi,for the best coach is Pep Guardiola.Congrats for both of you fellas!

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011


I want to share about charateristic and type of some football shoes.For you who like play football and want to buy a football shoes,these are i recommend to you fellas.check this out!

1.Nike Mercurial
   The Mercurial is a football bootmanufactured by Nike. The boot is known for being lightweight. Because of this, the boot is favoured by many players for whom speed is a very important part of their game, notably wingers or strikers. The boot is now in its seventh version the Nike Mercurial Vapor Superfly 3, currently available in two colourways: Red Plum/Volt, and Blue/Platinum/Orange.
The boot is available in either Soft Ground (SG) or Firm Ground (FG) versions. The SG version's sole plate is fitted with six NikeSnap removable studs, which can be purchased in different lengths, for the first and second models, and traditional screw-in aluminium studs for versions 3 to 7; the FG version has twelve moulded blades.
2.Nike Tiempo
   Nike Tiempo is a brand of football (or soccer in the US) boots and gear. It's sportswear established by Nike. It consists of football cleats, indoor shoes, shorts, warm up gear, and shinguards, but they're most known for the football cleats. This brand over time has become famous and its gear can be bought in stores and/or online.
3.Nike CTR 360
  The Nike CTR360 Maestri II football boot gives you that defence-splitting pass and that split-second advantage with its exceptional first touch on the ball.
4.Adidas F50
   The Adidas F50 range of football boots is Adidas's signature line of customisable, lightweight boots. First released in 2004, in the build-up toUEFA Euro 2004, the range was released as a successor of the X-Line range and as a direct competitor to Nike's Mercurial Vapor range, which had been released two years earlier. The name F50 (Football 50) is a reference to the year 1954 when the West German national teamwon the World Cup in revolutionary Adidas boots with exchangeable studs. Adidas decided to mark this occasion with another revolutionary boot exactly 50 years after the event in 2004.
   This  one is special made in Indonesia.The shoes is not to expensive but the quality almost same as nike or adidas.Many football player from Indonesia wear this shoes such as Yongki Kurniawan,Ferdinand Sinaga,and Christian 'El Loco' Gonzales.

Those are the recommended shoes for all of you who like to play soccer.I hope those shoes can sattisfied you.Thanks guys



The movement was founded on May 1, 1776, in Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria) as the Order of the Illuminati, with an initial membership of five,[1] by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt (d. 1830),[2] who was the first lay professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt.[3] It was made up of freethinkers as an offshoot of the Enlightenment and seems to have been modeled on the Freemasons.[4] The Illuminati's members took a vow of secrecy and pledged obedience to their superiors. Members were divided into three main classes, each with several degrees, and many Illuminati chapters drew membership from existing Masonic lodges.
Originally Weishaupt had planned the order to be named the "Perfectibilists".[1] The group has also been called the Bavarian Illuminati and its ideology has been called "Illuminism". Many influential intellectuals and progressive politicians counted themselves as members, including Ferdinand of Brunswick and the diplomat Xavier von Zwack, the second-in-command of the order.[5] The order had branches in most European countries: it reportedly had around 2,000 members over the span of ten years.[3] It attracted literary men such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Johann Gottfried Herderand the reigning dukes of Gotha and Weimar.
In 1777 Karl Theodor became ruler of Bavaria. He was a proponent of Enlightened Despotism and his government banned all secret societies including the Illuminati. Internal rupture and panic over succession preceded its downfall, which was affected by the Secular Edict made by the Bavarian government.[3] The March 2, 1785 edict "seems to have been deathblow to the Illuminati in Bavaria." Weishaupt had fled and documents and internal correspondences, seized in 1786 and 1787, were subsequently published by the government in 1787.[6] Von Zwack's home was searched to disclose much of the group's literature.[5]
Another reorganisation took place in 1780 after the Lower Saxon noble Adolph Freiherr Knigge joined the Illuminati. In 1782 he gave a structure similar to the Freemason lodges to the order that had until that point, as Weishaupt himself conceded, not actually existed anywhere but in Weishaupt's head. Leadership of the order was given to a so-called Areopagus that consisted of Weishaupt, Knigge and others.[citation needed]
This new organisation allowed the Illuminati to recruit numerous Freemasons and infiltrate entire lodges against the backdrop of a crisis that the higher grades of the German Freemasonry were going through after the collapse of the Order of Strict Observance in 1776.[citation needed] This relatively apolitical and romanticising movement claimed succession from the Knights Templars and had enabled Karl Gotthelf von Hund to get the German lodges under his leadership. For years he had been claiming to be in contact with "Unknown Superiors" who had let him in on the deepest secret of Freemasonry. However, after no such "Secret Superiors" contacted the lodges after Hund's death in 1776, the lodge members were perplexed. At the great Freemasons' Convent of the Strict Observance, that was held in Wilhelmsbad from July 16 to September 1, 1782, Knigge and Franz Dietrich von Ditfurth, the second Illuminati representative and a most radical proponent of the Enlightenment, could claim the opinion leadership for their order. The templar system was given up and the Order of the Golden and Rosy Cross, itself trying to succeed the Order of Strict Observance, remained in the minority. The two Illuminati even succeeded in winning over Johann Christoph Bode, one of the leading representatives of the Strict Observance.[citation needed]
As a result, the disagreement between Weishaupt and Knigge intensified so much that it threatened to break the Order apart. Therefore an arbitral tribunal called a “Congress“ was convened in Weimar in February 1784. It came as a surprise for Knigge that the "Congress", in which among others Goethe, Johann Gottfried Herder and Duke Ernst of Saxe-Gotha participated, judged that a completely new Areopagus should be created. Both heads of the Order were supposed to resign from their positions of power. This seemed to be an acceptable compromise. It meant an obvious defeat for Knigge, as the founder of the order would probably still have the same influence even without the formal chairmanship of the Aeropagus. Silence and the return of all papers was agreed upon and Knigge left the Illuminati on the first of July 1784. From this point on he turned away from the "fashionable foolishness" of trying to improve the world with secret societies. Weishaupt for his part handed over the leadership of the Order to Johann Martin Count of Stolberg-Roßla.[citation needed]
While members of societies were quarrelling amongst themselves, secret societies had attracted the attention of the Bavarian authorities. They deemed the objectives of progressive-minded secret societies suspicious because they concentrated on changing the traditional order and on establishing a "rational state" by infiltrating public offices. On June 22, 1784, the Bavarian electoral Prince Charles Theodore consequently prohibited any "communities, societies and associations", which had been founded without his approval as a sovereign ruler. With the insistence of Father Frank, the chancellor Baron of Krettmayr, the Rosicrucian Baron of Törring and other people at court, another edict was released on March 2, 1785, which explicitely mentioned the names Illuminati and Freemason. It banned them for reason of treason and heresy. During house searches various documents of the order that showed further circumstantial evidence for their radical objectives were confiscated. Documents which were found with a deceased courier gave away information about names of several members. In two letters to the bishop of Freising, sent within the same year (June 18 and November 12), Pope Pius VI declared membership of the order to be incompatible with the Catholic faith.[citation needed]


The most valuable secret of the Illuminati was their own moral system of authority, which was already practiced inside the order, but was now supposed to be applied on the outside world. The deceit and patronizing of the lower-positioned members soon provoked disagreements within the order. This was caused by Weishaupt's aim to perfect the individual by encouraging it to practice more self-discipline and covert leadership. He assumed that for the improvement of the individual the first necessary step was to know its secrets. Probably, he adopted this concept from his arch-enemy, the Jesuits, which were known for their slavish obedience and their gentle but still effective leadership by means of confession. Actually, according to Illuminati-expert Agethen, the order stayed in a dialectic entanglement with its opponents: they used Jesuit methods of investigating the conscience in order to emancipate the individual from the intellectual and spiritual domination of the church; they also used a ranking system and mystical fuss, similar to the enthusiastic irrationality of the Rosicrucians, to further the success of Enlightenment and rationality. They subjected their members to an utterly totalitarian monitoring and psychological techniques in order to ultimately free mankind of the despotism of princes and kings.


This temporary success cannot hide the fact that the Illuminati order mainly consisted of quite subordinate academics who maybe joined the order especially in the hope of more career opportunities. Indeed their hope correlated with Weishaupt’s concept of infiltration. Of course new members were ignorant about those intentions. The order hardly achieved its actual aim, namely to form the intellectual and political elite of society. Apart from the mentioned exceptions (Goethe, Herder, Knigge), all the really important representatives of the German "Spätaufklärung" either completely absented themselves from the order (as Schiller, Kant, Lessing, but also Lavater whom Knigge unsuccessfully tried to convince of joining for a long time) or shortly afterwards quit, just as Friedrich Nicolai did, out of disappointment about the rigid structures within the order. “Bookworm Weishaupt and his companions, utopists in a good and a ridiculous way” were never considered a real threat for the state of Bavaria but “the challenge for the old regimes was of course still too strong, even in this moderate form.”

Barruel and Robison

Between 1797 and 1798 Augustin Barruel's Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism and John Robison's Proofs of a Conspiracy both publicized the theory that the Illuminati had survived and represented an ongoing international conspiracy, including the claim that it was behind the French Revolution. Both books proved to be very popular, spurring reprints and paraphrases by others[7] (a prime example is Proofs of the Real Existence, and Dangerous Tendency, Of Illuminism by Reverend Seth Payson, published in 1802).[8] Some response was critical, such as Jean-Joseph Mounier'sOn the Influence Attributed to Philosophers, Free-Masons, and to the Illuminati on the Revolution of France.[citation needed]
Robison and Barruel's works made their way to the United States. Across New England, Reverend Jedidiah Morse and others sermonized against the Illuminati, their sermons were printed, and the matter followed in newspapers. The concern died down in the first decade of the 1800s, though had some revival during the Anti-Masonic movement of the 1820s and 30s.[1]

Modern conspiracy theory

Writers such as Mark Dice,[9] David IckeTexe Marrs, Ryan Burke, Jüri Lina and Morgan Gricar have argued that the Bavarian Illuminati survived, possibly to this day. Many of these theories propose that world events are being controlled and manipulated by a secret society calling itself the Illuminati.[10][11] Conspiracy theorists have claimed that many notable people were or are members of the Illuminati. Presidents of the United States are a common target for such claims.[12][13]
A key figure in the conspiracy theory movement, Myron Fagan, devoted his latter years to finding evidence that a variety of historical events from WaterlooThe French Revolution, President John F. Kennedy's assassination and an alleged communist plot to hasten the New World Order by infiltrating the Hollywood film industry, were all orchestrated by the Illuminati.[14][15]

Modern Illuminati

In addition to the supposed shadowy and secret organization, several modern fraternal groups claim to be the "heirs" of the Bavarian Illuminati and have openly used the name "Illuminati" in founding their own rites. Some, such as the multiple groups that call themselves by some variation on "The Illuminati Order",[16][17] use the name directly in the name of their organization, while others, such as the Ordo Templi Orientis, use the name as a grade of initiation within their organization.

Popular culture

The Illuminati in novels
The Illuminati are often illustrated in famous novels, for example in the “Illiminatus” trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, in Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco or in Angels and Demonsby Dan Brown. The authors mentioned above do not rely on serious sources which provide well proven historic information about the order, but rather on conspiracy theories which are in circulation about the order. This is why they are described as evil villains as well as mysterious and diabolic conspirators. However this speculative information about the Illuminati is often mistaken as the truth. Neither Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) nor Bernini (1598-1680) was a member of the Illuminati, which they are said to be in Brown's novel, and they also did not follow the thousand year old tradition of Celtic druids, assassins and Templers, who had the intention to find the "umbilicus telluris" (lat. hub of the world).
The assumption that the Illuminati had owned certain symbols which they used to prove their existence to insiders and clever symbologists, can be widely found in novels. The following symbols are supposed to belong to those used by the Illuminati.
  • the all-seeing eye
  • the all-seeing eye as pyramidion (Great Seal of the United States)
  • the number 23
  • ambigrams
None of these symbols are historically related to the Illuminati. It is also highly implausible that an internationally operating conspiracy, as which the Illuminati are often labeled, would leave their symbols everywhere. The Illuminati only used one symbol for their "Secret School of Wisdom", the owl of Minerva.